Welcome to Soul star academy
Home to a range of Angelic Realm and higher self alignment courses, helping you to reconnect with your higher self and sacred energy of divine light, Angelic Realms and Spirit guides.
About Soul star academy
Welcome to Soul Star Academy. Home to Angelic Healing and Courses by Samantha.
Choose from a range of unique Angel Healing and Spiritual development courses that are designed especially to help you to connect with the Angelic and spiritual realms, These courses expand your energy awareness and are perfect to compliment any energy healing. Learn the art of Connecting with your higher self, spirit guides and Angelic beings as well as protection using sacred geometry and energy protection skills.
Each course can be completed either on a one to one basis or remotely and installment options can be available on request.
Samantha acts as a channel to bring in your own light team, Angelic Guides, Spirit guides and Ascended masters. These courses will help to awaken your soul to your true potential and your spirit team around you.
Courses available...
Angelic Realm mastery and connection course for use in Amplifying Healing of self and others. £120 or two installments of £60
This unique course includes last approximately 4 hrs and includes..
- Angelic Realm mastery E book
- Pre course attunement through the orb of light process and remote attunement to the Angelic Realms.
- Attunement of the Star Chakra, Third eye and Heart
- Orb of light Attunement and Sacred grid of protection
- Calling in the Angels and spirit guided meditation.
- One to one guidance of how to connect with the Angelic realm, asking for assistance, protection, power of prayer, power of intention, following your intuition and how to expand the heart.
- Connect with your Unique Angelic Realm team of light beings and spirit guides, accessing your own unique energy blueprint.
- learn how to incorporate the Angelic Realms into energy based healing, distance healing and power of intention.
This is perfect for anyone who wishes to work with the Angelic Realms for healing of others and self.
This course can be completed either on a face to face basis or completed remotely.
pre booking is essential
to book just email info@soulstaracademy.co.uk
Ascended master and Archangel connection course. Designed for use in other healing modalities and Self healing.
This unique course is approximately 4 hrs and incudes..
Ascended Master and Archangel connection course E book.
- Attunement of the heart to the Ascended masters of Jeshua and Christ Light.
- Attunement of the Star Chakra to the Archangels.
- Attunement of the Heart to the Sacred light of Mother Mary
- Connect with these powerful Ascended master energies and how these energies can be called upon for healing of self and others.
- Learn how to connect with all of these very individual energies, how they can be called on for sacred protection, healing and strength.
The power of prayer and intention and how they can assist with healing.
This course can be completed both on a remote and one to one basis.
instalment options available upon request.
pre booking is essential
to book just pop an email to info@soulstaracademy.co.uk
Atlantean Code and Light being course. £120
This fantastic unique course will align your energy with the powerful Atlantean Ray of light.
- Attune your Energy to the Atlantean code of light.
Lean how to connect wit Atlantean light and Sacred codes of Protection, healing and energy.
- Learn how this light can be used for healing, alignment and protection.
- Crystal gridding for protection, prayer and intention of light.
to book simply email info@soulstaracademy.co.uk
Angel Orb of light remote healing £22
Receive an orb of light energy healing channelled through the Angelic realm. This remote healing can be called on at any time to help rebalance your energy flow, hep with self healing and self alignment.
to book email info@soulstaracademy.co.uk
Angelic soul healing one to one £40
Enjoy an hour of beautiful Angel energy healing. immerse your soul in a beautiful bubble of light and angelic energy rays helping to re-boost your energy and surround you in love and healing.
to book email info@soulstaracademy.co.uk
Remote Angel soul reading and orb of light healing £40
Recieve an in depth soul and energy scan pus orb of light healing to completely bring your energy back into alignment and focus.
to book email info@soulstaracademy.co.uk
Remote energy scan and soul reading £40
Receive and in depth soul reading and energy scan, emailed direct to you by the next working day.
to book email info@soulstaracademy.co.uk
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